New York City Sexual Harassment Act Notice
Beginning on September 6, 2018, all NYC employers will be required to:
Post the notice of employee rights in a conspicuous location in their workplace. The notice must be posted in English and Spanish (the Spanish version has not yet been released, but we will update this site as the Commission makes additional versions of the notice available); and Distribute the employee fact sheet to all new hires. Unlike the notice of rights, there is no requirement to distribute the fact sheet in any language other than English, but it will be made available in Spanish and other languages the Commission deems appropriate.
Both the notice and the fact sheet explain that sexual harassment and retaliation are prohibited under the NYC Human Rights Law, provide examples of harassment, and include contact information for reporting complaints to the NYC Commission on Human Rights, the New York State Division of Human Rights, and the U.S. Equal Opportunity Commission.
You may download the fact sheet from the links below:
Post the notice of employee rights in a conspicuous location in their workplace. The notice must be posted in English and Spanish (the Spanish version has not yet been released, but we will update this site as the Commission makes additional versions of the notice available); and Distribute the employee fact sheet to all new hires. Unlike the notice of rights, there is no requirement to distribute the fact sheet in any language other than English, but it will be made available in Spanish and other languages the Commission deems appropriate.
Both the notice and the fact sheet explain that sexual harassment and retaliation are prohibited under the NYC Human Rights Law, provide examples of harassment, and include contact information for reporting complaints to the NYC Commission on Human Rights, the New York State Division of Human Rights, and the U.S. Equal Opportunity Commission.
You may download the fact sheet from the links below: